IEI Pakistan

Climate Educator

Training Programme


Innovate Educate & Inspire (IEI) Pakistan recently joined more than 300 universities, high schools and other organizations globally to focus the world on a critical question. What can we do to help solve climate change? This is a global alliance for climate education. This was one of similar events held across the planet in late March/April, as part of the WorldWide Teach-in on Climate and Justice, sponsored by Bard College in New York.

IEI Pakistan’s main focus for partaking in this Teach-In was to reach and teach as many students as possible. This was in order to address the urgency of the situation.

In doing so, IEI developed a Climate Educator Training Programme to build teachers’ capacity to enable young children as changemakers who can take action to help address everyday environmental & climate challenges. The programme’s environmental education segment was lead by our partner organization Abadtak

About Iei Climate educator training programme

IEI Climate Educator Training Programme is a virtual teacher capacity building programme designed to enable teachers to teach and create awareness about the climate crisis. Through a series of training activities that span education for sustainable development,  the science behind climate crisis and introduction to design thinking, teachers are enabled to encourage climate action among primary and middle school children.

Making use of these learned skills and access to the Climate Educator Toolkit, participant  teachers are required to engage students in their classes in a Children’s Climate Solutions Summit: a week-long problem solving journey for climate action.

Teacher Capacity Building

Build teachers’ capacity and engagement with the topic of climate action through training and  provision of free resources. This enables teachers to facilitate the design process and promote solution-oriented thinking.

Encourage Students to Take Action

Organize a Children's Climate Solutions Summit at your school to build student knowledge about the climate crisis and invite them to take action by going through a problem solving journey to design solutions for challenges around them.

Children’s Climate Solutions Summit

IEI Children’s Climate Solutions Summit is a 7-15 day long problem solving journey that promotes climate action among young children enrolled in grades 3 to 8 by enabling them to think critically, assess the problems associated with climate change and innovate solutions in local contexts. 


Learn about Climate Change

Learn about Climate Change and its impact on the planet and everything that resides in it

Lead as changemakers

Recognize themselves as changemakers who can make a real difference

Design Thinking for Solutions

Work collaboratively to identify climate related challenges in their surrounding and use design thinking to find solutions.

21st Century Skills

Learn 21st century skills such as creative thinking, communication and collaboration

Our partners: abadtak

Abadtak is a social enterprise that helps individuals and communities become more aware of the environment. 

The organization’s aim is to impower and prepare people with the knowledge and skills needed to address anthropogenic challenges and harbour earth stewardship through re-engagement with nature.

pilot programme impact

Teachers Trained
Students engaged in activities for Climate Action

My students learnt how to think and brainstorm to find solutions to any problems. They are now thinking critically about what is happening around them. I think we should incorporate a climate change syllabus into our curriculum.

The Climate Educator Training Program is an excellent initiative to help teachers equip students with practical skills to take part in climate action. I learnt how to instill empathy, critical thinking and a problem solving mindset in my students

Eesha Qureshi

Participant Teacher

For me, as a teacher it was a moment of joy to hear my students thinking critically and responsibly for everyone in the community. Such an attitude will help them come up with better solutions for everyone. This was only enabled by the Climate Educator Training Program.

Nazhat Shakir

Participant Teacher

why is climate education important?

With global warming and its challenges upon us, climate education has become crucial. The world is rapidly evolving, yet the education system is still stuck in a rut. Traditional and conservative education is no longer in keeping with global dynamics. The new generation is not armed with the skills they need in order to address 21st century environmental challenges.

why should climate change be taught in schools?

Teaching climate change in schools is crucial as it empowers students with the knowledge they need to tackle the problem. Learning about climate change involves brainstorming innovative solutions. Identifying and then actively tackling the problem. I.e Empowering students to take action as global citizens.

Get Involved

We are looking to partner with individuals and organisations to take our programme across schools. If you have any ideas or proposals to facilitate, reach out to us today at 

Donate to support programme development

Donate to help us continue to develop this programme
and reach teachers and students across Pakistan.